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Few of us wake up in the morning with the expectation of doing anything “heroic”…or of needing to.

The funny thing is, that’s how the day starts for most humans–even heroes.

Life just kind of happens.

We wake up.

We get ready for our day.

We get to work, and in the process of our day we encounter challenges and make choices.

We almost never know in advance when one of those challenges will be vitally important–a matter of life or death, glorious success or miserable failure.

Heroes weren’t necessarily planning to be heroes.

They just encountered an event that required them to make a quick decision, and that decision became legendary. (No pressure!)

Knowing this, doesn’t it make sense to do our best to live with deliberate intention? To train our children to live with intention, too?

What we build into the foundation of their character becomes the source from which they will make their choices.

We can take steps to insure that they understand how life works and how God moves.

We can train them to be watchful and wise.

We can help them build the courage and conviction they will need to stand for what is right and good.

We can raise heroes!

This and other topics for homeschool families are the basis of a new online course I am developing. You can be part of my beta team! If you’d like to learn more, or if you have questions you’d like to see answered, please comment on this post or drop me an email at Thanks! 🙂

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