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As we settle back into our normal post-election routines, I encourage you to think about why elections matter. We can do that by examining the lessons of history lest we repeat them.

The Dred Scott case raises several political questions. Over a century and a half later, the issues are different, but the principles and political climate are eerily similar.

The root question here is, “Who is a citizen?”–a question we see in headlines today.

Facts to consider:

  • Dred Scott was born in the United States (in Virginia).
  • He lived here his entire life and was taken by his master to states where slavery was not legal.
  • His parents were brought here against their will.
  • Dred Scott was not a citizen of any other country.
  • Republicans argued that he should be considered a citizen because enslaved people were allowed to vote in 10 of the 13 colonies, and voting is a right of citizens.

What implications do you see that apply to current events?

As with the “Thinking More” questions in Discover Texas, I’ll leave this open ended, but I hope you will discuss it with your family.

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